Uzebikistan Travel Guide

November 18th 2019 10:17:00

The information, which contains here will be very useful for you and will help to avoid some misunderstanding. By familiarizing more in details with this information you, essentially will facilitate your stay.

Capital – Tashkent city. Republic of Uzbekistan is located in vast territory in the middle of Central Asia, mainly between Amudarya and Sirdarya rivers. It is bordering with 5 neighbor republics: Kyrgyzstan in north-east, Kazakhstan in north-west, Tajikistan in south-east, Turkmenistan in south-west, in south, on short section, with Afghanistan. 


The official language is Uzbek (Turkic origin), but the main part of the population speak Russian (Slavonic origin). In some areas (Samarkand, Bukhara) people also speak Tadjik (Persian origin). English is getting popular among young 


Islam – 88%, Christian (orthodox) – 9%


Climate in Uzbekistan is sharply continental, it varies from dry and arid, with warm summers and cool winters in the west to moderate rainfall, with temperature summers and bitterly cold winters in the east. Temperature in Uzbekistan ranges during the year, from +40˚C in summer (July and August) and -20˚C in the middle of winter (January and February). Humidity is fairly low. In spring and fall temperatures are of a more moderate nature (mid 20˚C to 30˚C)

Tourist seasons

Because of the peculiarity of climate, first half of tourist season falls on spring months: March, April, May, and the second half is in August, September and October. Also there is tourist activity in winter months for the lovers of mountains and winter sports (ski, snowboard)


The population of Uzbekistan is over 25 mln. The density of population is 52, 8 people per 1km2. Ethnically the peoples on the territory of Uzbekistan are Uzbek (80%), Russians (5%), Tadjik (5, 5%), Kazakh (0, 8%), Karakalpak (3%), Tartar (1%) and others. Population is concentrated in the plains around water sources, in the valleys and deltas of the big rivers.

Currency Exchange

National currency is sum.  1 sum = 100 tiyin.  

$1 = 8420 sums (as of April 2019)

All foreign currencies can be exchanged in major banks. The preferred currencies are US dollars and Euros (Cash). In country cities there are difficulties with exchange, advice to do all changes in Tashkent so at the end of the tour you can return local currency back to same exchange office (need to save exchange order). Tourists should have enough cash US dollars (new dated notes in best condition) for most expenses.

Credit Cards

Credit cards VISA, MASTER CARD are acceptable in major banks and hotels in Tashkent. In country cities most used cash payments.


220 volts AC, 50 Am. Round 2 pin continental plugs are standard.

There are over one thousand dishes in Uzbek cuisine. Fruits and vegetables grown under the tender oriental sun are terrific in taste. There are about 500 varieties of Uzbek plow only cooked in its own way in every region. Calorie content and ecological cleanness of local ingredients is unique, Uzbek cuisine cannot be described and it should be tasted.


No mandatory requirements for entry into Uzbekistan and no vaccinations are officially required. Tap water safe in most areas, but bottle water is recommended anyway.


As this kind of services in Uzbekistan is still developing, it is advisable to be insured at home by your local insurance company.

Individual safety boxes are not always available in Uzbekistan hotels. An essential part of your luggage is a comfortable money wallet, which may be worn under your clothing. At all times you should carry your main documents (i.e. currency, travelers’ cheque, air tickets, passports, visas etc.) In accordance with local laws, you will be required to hand in your passport to the hotel reception on arrival to allow registration of your passport details by the hotel. Your passport will normally be available again after a few hours. Do not forget to collect it before departure.

Photography in Uzbekistan
No difficulty is put in the way of visitors who wish to photograph places of historic interest.
Photography inside some religious monuments and in airports, railway stations or near military installation may not be allowed. If in doubt ask your local guide. Please also note that there is a fee for photography in most sightseeing places

Rent a car

International Permit required. Minimum age is 18 years. Drive on the right. Speed limits 50-70 km/h in urban areas, 90 km/h on highways. Car rent with driver is widely offered rather than without driver.


Tipping is widely used. If you are satisfied with service, you can leave some tips. It will be gladly accepted.

What to take

If you are coming to Uzbekistan as a tourist following items are essential to take while staying: a backpack is very useful in carrying personal things, a hat, sunglasses, light shoes, sun blocks and light colored cotton clothes during summer and hot periods; a light water and windproof jacket is useful during autumn and period of light showers and at nights in the desert. Uzbekistan is a conservative country, though with Muslim traditions; therefore clothes should be conservative. Women and men may wear long slacks and shirts or blouses with sleeves.

Tour leaders and Local guides

Local guide provides historical, cultural and contemporary information, heritage interpretation to individual travelers and organized tour groups. Usually tour guides work in their home town and do not travel with the clients throughout the country. They typically work on a daily basis. Local guides have a recognized certificate. 

Tour leader: A person who accompanies a tour group or individual travelers throughout the country or region, usually with a particular knowledge of the region. Their job entails providing commentary, routing the tour, timing the tour and looking after logistics like hotel check-ins, local flight check ins, reservations for attractions, making arrangements for meals. In some cases tour leaders also act as a tour guide and provide sightseeing tours in some places. Tour leaders have a recognized certificate. 

Airlines in Uzbekistan

All domestic flights are operated by National Company Uzbekistan Airways. Flights schedule can be changed without prior notice. Maximum luggage limit – 20kg per person + 5kg hand luggage. Clients should be at the airport minimum 1.5 hours before for domestic flights; and 2.5 hours before for international flights.


Clothing Limitations

Generally, there are no strict limitations on clothing, especially in Tashkent and other major cities, where particularly young people enjoy full liberty with clothing. You can frequently encounter young ladies wearing traditional Islamic covers, but this is a personal preference rather than a must.

In some provinces, however, such as Fergana Valley, it would be better to avoid wearing shorts. Same rule is applied when visiting religious places, mosques, mausoleums, etc. Also, ladies should cover their shoulders and chest and preferably wear a hat or a headscarf.

In summer time it would be advisable to follow the above recommendation to protect yourself from the sun. Also, sun protection lotions can be used



1. A bilateral visa-free regime has been established with Kyrgyzstan (up to 60 days), Tajikistan (up to 30 days), Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Russia and Ukraine.

2. A visa-free regime is introduced for 30 days period for citizens of Andorra Principality, Australian Union, Austrian Republic, Argentine Republic, Bosnia and Herzegovina,  Brunei Darussalam State, Canada, Czech Republic, Federative Republic of Brazil, Federal Republic of Germany, Finland Republic, French Republic, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, Hungary, Greek Republic, Israel, Indonesia, Ireland, Iceland, Italian Republic,  Liechtenstein, Montenegro, Principality of Monaco, the Kingdom of Belgium, the Kingdom of Denmark, the Kingdom of Spain, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the Kingdom of Norway, the Kingdom of Sweden, the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Lithuania, Malaysia, Mongolia, New Zealand, Portugal Republic, Republic of Bulgaria, Republic of Cyprus, Republic of Korea, Republic of Malta, Republic of Poland, Republic of San Marino, Republic of Serbia, Singapore, Republic of Slovenia, Republic of Croatia, Republic of Chile, Romania, Slovak Republic, Republic of Turkey, Swiss Confederation, Republic of Estonia, Japan, UUU, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland , Vatican.

The visa-free regime applies to citizens of these countries, holders of all categories of passports (diplomatic, service and civil) planning to visit the Republic of Uzbekistan for up to 30 days, regardless of the purpose of their trip. In order to enter the country, a person must have a valid national passport or another substitute document used for travel to foreign countries.

The visa-free regime does not apply to stateless persons permanently residing in the territories of these countries.

Accordingly, the visa-free regime is valid for 30 days from the date of entry into Uzbekistan. Before the end of the 30-day visa-free stay period, a foreign citizen must leave the Republic of Uzbekistan. Exceeding the 30-day visa-free stay is recognized as violation of the Rules of stay of foreign citizens in the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Accordingly, if it is necessary to stay in Uzbekistan for more than 30 days, a foreign citizen must obtain an entry visa to the Republic of Uzbekistan in accordance with the established procedure, corresponding to the purpose of his trip.

3. Visa-free entry to the Republic of Uzbekistan for foreign citizens up to 16 year old with biometric travel document. In this case they must be accompanied by legal representatives and they can stay in Uzbekistan for the duration of the visa of the accompanying person, but not more than ninety days since the date of entry into the country.

4. A visa-free regime is established with China, Hungary, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan (up to 30 days), India, the Republic of Korea and Vietnam (up to 60 days), Brazil, Latvia, Poland, Romania, Singapore, Slovakia, Estonia, Kuwait and Turkey (up to 90 days). Citizens of these countries (except India) who hold diplomatic passports and are accredited as employees of diplomatic missions or consular offices of their countries located on the territory of Uzbekistan, as well as members of their families have the right to enter and stay without visas for the entire period of work.

5. Introduced the system of issuing electronic entry tourist visas ( for foreign citizens, which has simplified the procedure of issuing visas (list of countries in Attachment 1);

Starting from March 15, 2019, new system of electronic entry visas with a validity period of 30 days has been introduced:

- double entry, with a consular fee of $ 35;

- multiple entry, with a consular fee of $ 50.

6. Introduced new short-term transit visa-free entry to the Republic of Uzbekistan for a period of five days for a citizens of several countries (list of countries in Attachment 2). In this case the foreigners must come through international airports of Uzbekistan, showing to frontier officer that they have an air ticket of “Uzbekistan Airways” National aircompany to a third country. This procedure is applying to transiting passengers wishing to explore the sights-seeing of Uzbekistan.

7. Uzbekistan and Japan issue visas without consular fees on the mutual basis.

Airport and Customs Regulations

Dear guests and citizens of republic of Uzbekistan! To avoid violation of custom legislation when entering into Uzbekistan, during customs control and registration you need to know below coming information:

· While crossing customs border of republic of Uzbekistan each passenger needs to fill custom declaration form T-6 (if has money amount more than 2000 usd only) by declaring foreign currency in cash, currency values, inventory holdings and other belongings of private use.  

· Bringing foreign currency in cash into republic of Uzbekistan as well as traveling cheque are allowed in unlimited amount for residents and nonresidents but must be declared in custom form T-6

· If passenger has money amount less than 2 000 usd, he can pass thru green line at airport.


Bringing foreign currency in cash into republic of Uzbekistan with certification of form of TC-21

If resident or nonresident wish, foreign currency can be put on deposit with certificate TC-21, free of charge. First copy of TC-21 certificate with stamp is given to owner (passenger).

Detected fake foreign currency in cash, during custom inspection, not allowed entering into republic of Uzbekistan. Fake currency is stopped with drawing up of an act in set form of law.  


List of items prohibited to import into republic of Uzbekistan

· Publications, manuscripts, cliché, pictures, illustrations, photos, photographic films, photo negatives,

· Movie – video – audio products, gram records, sound materials aimed or related to undermine state and social regime, braking territorial integrity, political independency and state sovereignty, propagandizing war, terrorism, violence, national oneness and religious hatred, racism and its variety (anti-Semitism, fascism) as well as pornographic materials.

· Prohibited import and export of rare and disappearing sort of animals in republic of Uzbekistan, listed in Red Book.

· Import of goods, by natural person, for commercial activity, required registration of this person as an individual entrepreneur with right for import and export operations.

· Limit of import of precious metals, not obliged by custom fees, are 5 units with total weight no more than 30 grams. Import and export of precious metals and jewelry for commercial aims are carried only with license given by Ministry of external Economic Relations and Trade of republic of Uzbekistan.

· Import of radio electronic facilities and high-frequency equipment carried only with approval of appropriate authority of republic of Uzbekistan. (Centre of Electromagnetic Compatibility of Communication and Information Ministry of Uzbekistan)

· To import photogenic and animal origin, special permit need from appropriate authority of republic of Uzbekistan. (Sanitary -Epidemiology Station)

· Import and export of drugs and medical equipment allowed only with permission of Ministry of Health of republic of Uzbekistan.

· Not showing in custom declaration and not presenting to custom inspector during oral inquiry of foreign currency in cash, inventory holdings and other belongings, will be understood and appear as factor of breaking custom laws of republic of Uzbekistan. When such law breaking facts of custom laws are found, they will be validated with procedural documents according to articles of customs code of republic of Uzbekistan.