
  • Drive to Xiapu to explore Banyueli Village and enjoy the sunset of Shajiang S Bay.

  • Explore the surroundings in Xiapu, including Sansha Light And Shaodw Trestle, Liuyun Cave, Dong'an Fishing Village. 

  • Drive along Donghai Line 1, stop at Haiwei Viewing Platform, Daijing Beach, Danwan Viewing Platform, and Xiawei Island.

  • Explore Mount Wuyi, a World Natural and Cultural Heritage Site, enjoy floating down along the Jiuqu Stream on bamboo rafts between two sides of the mountain.

  • Visit the Dahongpao Scenic Area.

  • Full-day sightseeing in Xiamen, including Gulangyu Island and Eighth Market, drive on the Huandao Road.

  • Drive to Quanhou to visit Kaiyuan Temple, Quanzhou Overseas Transportation History Museum, and Xunpu Village.

  • Explore Yongding's famous Tulou Areas.

  • Visit Chen Clan Ancestral Hall and Museum of Nanyue King, take a walking tour of Beijing Road and Huacheng Square, and take a cruise along the Zhujiang River.

  • Travel to Kaiping and visit the Watchtower Group of Zili Village.

  • Travel to Foshan to visit Qinghui Garden, Fengjian Water Town, and Foshan Ancestral Temple.

  • Visit the Memorial Temple of Hanyu, and stroll around Guangji Bridge and Archway Street in Chaozhou.

  • Visit Shantou Small Park, Zhenbang Road Food Street, and Chaoshan Museum in Shantou.

  • Visit the Tai'an Building, Baihou Ancient Town, and Dabu Old Street in Dabu.


Day 1Fuzhou - Shanshan Town - Fuzhou

Today our friendly guide and driver will meet you at the hotel you booked in Fuzhou. Then we will drive you to Sanshan Town, where you can explore your ancestral village -- Anwei Village, and talk with the locals.

Later afternoon, we will back to Fuzhou for an overnight stay.

Traffic: Coach
Hotel: Overnight in Fuzhou

Day 2Drive to Xiapu to explore Banyueli Village and enjoy the sunset of Shajiang S Bay.

After having a delightful breakfast, we will transfer to the next stop Xiapu. When arrival, you will have an opportunity to explore the ancient Banyueli Village(半月里古村), once known as "Banluli". It is a village inhabited by the She people. The village faces Yutu Mountain in the east and is separated by a mountain from Bailukeng Village. It is backed by the foothills of Maitreya Mountain, which is shaped like a crescent moon, and it faces Shuangfuqiao Reservoir in the south. Banyueli is known as the "Famous She Nationality Historical and Cultural Village", and the nearly 300-year-old Longxi Palace is a provincial cultural relics protection unit.

Then travel to Shajiang Town and enjoy the sunset of Shajiang S Bay(沙江S湾). The beautiful lines formed by many bamboo poles inserted on the tidal flat are arranged on both sides of the "S"-shaped harbor waterway, forming a perfect Xiapu tidal flat scenery. Every time the kelp is harvested, the ships that come and go will shuttle between the "s"-shaped pole shadows, making the originally beautiful harbor more colorful and the rhythm of ink painting more outstanding.

Traffic: Coach
Hotel: Overnight in Xiapu
Meals: Breakfast
  • Banyueli Village

  • Shajiang S Bay

Day 3Explore the surroundings in Xiapu, including Sansha Light And Shaodw Trestle, Liuyun Cave, Dong'an Fishing Village.

Spending another whole day exploring the surroundings in Xiapu. The first site we will visit today is Sansha Light And Shaodw Trestle (三沙光影栈道), It is a place that integrates natural scenery, cultural landscape, and photography art. This boardwalk has a total length of approximately 6.04 kilometers, walk slowly on the plank road, enjoy the sea view on the side of the road, and blow the sea breeze.

Next travel to Liuyun Cave (留云洞), A boulder "a tile" supported by natural pillars constitutes a wonderful Liuyun cave. Surrounding the cave are rugged rocks with different shapes, like a camel watching the waves, an eagle watching the sun, a jade rabbit watching the moon, and a pair of lions playing with beads. Sansha Liuyun Cave has always been a famous tourist attraction at the junction of Fujian and Zhejiang, attracting tourists from all over the world to come here and write poems and letters.

If you are interested in the sea life, we highly recommend you to come to Dong'an. Dong'an Fishing Village (东安海上渔村) is recognized as the "most beautiful fishing village" in China, and some people also call it China's "Venice on the Sea".

Traffic: Coach
Hotel: Overnight in Xiapu
Meals: Breakfast
  • Sansha Light And Shaodw Trestle

  • Dong'an Fishing Village

Day 4Drive to Mount Wuyi along Donghai Line 1, stop at Haiwei Viewing Platform, Daijing Beach, Danwan Viewing Platform, and Xiawei Island.

The journey today will begin from the most beautiful Donghai Line 1(东海一号线), which is a newly built coastal highway. Here you can enjoy the blue sea, beach, and sea road at the same time. We will stop at Haiwei Viewing Platform(海尾观景台), Daijing Beach(大京沙滩), Danwan Viewing Platform(丹湾观景台), Xiawei Island(下尾岛). You will have time to take some nice photos of these places.

Afternoon we will drive to Mount Wuyi for an overnight stay.

Traffic: Coach
Hotel: Overnight in Wuyi
Meals: Breakfast
  • Donghai Ling 1

  • Donghai Line 1

Day 5A full day to explore Mount Wuyi.

A full day to explore Mount Wuyi(武夷山), a World Natural and Cultural Heritage Site. First, enjoy floating down along the Jiuqu Stream on bamboo rafts(九曲溪竹筏漂流) between two sides of the mountain; then proceed to visit Tianyou Peak(天游峰), which must visit attractions in Mount Wuyi. The views are stunning with the different heights you get to when you are climbing Tianyou Peak.

Special arrangement for today: Dahongpao Performance(大红袍表演)start around 19:00

Hotel: Overnight in Wuyi
Meals: Breakfast
  • Wuyi Mountain

  • Jiuqu Stream

Day 6Visit Dahongpao Scenic Spot, then catch a bullet train to Xiamen.

This morning continue our journey to Dahongpao Scenic Spot(大红袍景区). The Dahongpao Scenic Spot derives its name from the Dahongpao mother tree in the scenic spot. Dahongpao is the champion of Wuyi rock tea. It grows in Jiulong Nest in the north of Wuyi Mountain. Only a few Dahongpao mother trees are remaining now, which are very expensive. It is known as "The king of tea." The main attractions in the scenic spot include Niulan Keng, Yongle Temple, and Dahongpao. The main attractions are to visit the Tianxin Yongle Temple and Dahongpao, which is known for its fantastic tea.

After visiting, we will catch a bullet train to Xiamen.

Traffic: Car + Train
Hotel: Overnight in Xiamen
Meals: Breakfast
  • Dahongpao Scenic Spot

  • Dahongpao Scenic Spot

Day 7Full-day sightseeing in Xiamen, including Gulangyu Island and Eighth Market, drive on the Huandao Road.

We'll start the day with a full-day sightseeing tour in Xiamen. Our first stop will be Gulangyu Island, a UNESCO World Heritage Site and a crucial hub for Sino-foreign exchanges during the 19th and 20th centuries. The island is a renowned destination for architecture enthusiasts, offering a blend of various architectural styles such as the Traditional Southern Fujian Style, Western Classical Revival Style, and Veranda Colonial Style. We'll also take a stroll in the Shuzhuang Garden, which includes the Piano Museum and is considered one of the finest Jiangnan classical gardens. Don't forget to grab a postcard from the local stores as a memento of your visit to this unique location.

After we visit Gulangyu Island, we'll have lunch and then embark on a walking tour of the local Eighth Market to experience the authentic local lifestyle and sample some delicious local cuisine.

To cap off our day, we'll take a drive along the picturesque Huandao Road, offering breathtaking views along the way. The road is lined with attractions such as Yefeng Village, Wanyue Hill, Shuxing Park, and Haiyun Gazebo, all of which combine to create a vibrant and colorful stretch of coastal attractions showcasing the serene and captivating side of Xiamen.

Traffic: Coach
Hotel: Overnight in Xiamen
Meals: Breakfast
  • Gulangyu Island

  • Huaodao Road

Day 8Drive to Quanhou to visit Kaiyuan Temple, Quanzhou Overseas Transportation History Museum, and Xunpu Village, then back to Xiamen.

Today, we are heading to Quanzhou for a day tour. Our first stop will be West Street (西街), which is a well-preserved ancient block in the urban area of Quanzhou. It retains a large number of buildings with their original historical appearance. You can enjoy a walking tour here and visit the Kaiyuan Temple (开元寺).

After that, we will transfer to the Quanzhou Overseas Transportation History Museum. The museum's theme is to reflect the ancient overseas transportation, the Maritime Silk Road, and the various economic and cultural exchanges that arose from it. The highlight of the museum is the Song Dynasty ship model. You can also see silk and pottery exported from the Silk Road, learn about the weapons used to resist Japanese pirates, and view different religious tombstones. This museum is a must-see for those who enjoy studying history, museums, or ship models. It truly showcases ancient Quanzhou commerce, religion, and navigation, and the hall is very clean and not too crowded.

After our museum visit, we will explore Xunpu Village (蟳埔村). This village is home to descendants of ancient Arabs who have intermarried with local Han people over generations, but the legacy of Central Asia still exists. This is reflected mainly in the oyster shell houses and the headgear of the Pu women. The women of Pu arrange flowers on their heads, and wear lilac earrings, a large tunic, and wide-leg trousers, creating a unique style. The headgear of the "Wreath with a Hairpin and Ivory Chopsticks" by the women of Jinpu has been passed down from Central Asia since the Song Dynasty.

We will back to Xiamen in the late afternoon.

Traffic: Coach
Hotel: Overnight in Xiamen
Meals: Breakfast
  • Kaiyuan Temple

  • Quanzhou Overseas Transportation History Museum

Day 9Drive to Yongding to explore the famous Tulou Areas.

This morning we will begin our exploration of the famous Tulou culture in Fujian. We will first drive to Shiqiao Village to visit the Shunyu Building (顺裕楼), which was built in 1937. The outer corridor has a diameter of 86 meters. There are 72 rooms on each floor, totaling 288 rooms on 4 floors and 80 rooms in the building, for a total of 368 rooms. We will then transfer to the Yuchang Building (裕昌楼), the oldest tulou in Fujian Province. This 18.2-meter-high building has 269 rooms on all 5 floors, with 5 stairways and 22 water wells in each ground floor kitchen, surpassing any other tulous in Fujian in terms of numbers.

Afterward, we will drive to visit the Hongkeng Tulou Folk Cultural Village, which is divided into the Round Building and Square Building. The Round Building serves as a model of Hakka dwellings.

Traffic: Coach
Hotel: Overnight in Yongding
Meals: Breakfast
  • Shiqiao Village

  • Hongkeng Tulou Folk Cultural Village

Day 10Visit the Chuxi Tulou Cluster, then drive back to Xiamen.

Today begins from the Chuxi Tulou Cluster, which consists of five round buildings and dozens of square buildings. They are scattered and scattered, showing a high aesthetic and artistic value, showing the outstanding wisdom and extraordinary creative talents of the Chinese working people.

After visiting, we will drive back to Xiamen.

Traffic: Coach
Hotel: Overnight in Xiamen
Meals: Breakfast
  • Chuxi Tulou Cluster

  • Chuxi Tulou Cluster

Day 11Take an afternoon train to Guangzhou.

Enjoy a leisurely morning in Xiamen. You will have enough time to enjoy your breakfast, then you can choose to rest in the hotel or stroll around the streets. We will pick you up from the hotel around 12:30. 

Take an afternoon train to Guangzhou. Upon arrival, you will be met and transferred to the hotel for check-in.

Traffic: Car + Train
Hotel: Overnight in Guangzhou
Meals: Breakfast

Day 12Visit Chen Clan Ancestral Hall and Museum of Nanyue King, take a walking tour of Beijing Road and Huacheng Square, and take a cruise along the Zhujiang River.

In the morning, after enjoying a delightful buffet at the hotel, today's tour will begin with a visit to the Chen Clan Ancestral Hall (陈家祠), a place used for offering sacrifices to ancestors and for study. Afterward, we will head to Shamian Island, which used to be the British and French concession and features beautiful Western-style architecture.

Next, we'll pay a visit to the Museum of Nanyue King (南越王陵) located on Jiefang Bei Road. It is the oldest and largest Han tomb with the most funerary objects in the Lingnan Area. As one of the 80 famous museums in the world, it covers 14,000 square meters (150,699.6 square feet) with 10 exhibition halls.

We will then transfer to Beijing Road (北京路步行街), known as one of the most prosperous pedestrian streets in the Yuexiu District, Guangzhou. Here, you can find many small restaurants selling delicious local snacks such as wonton noodles, flank beef rice noodles, fish ball rice noodles, and special soft sausages. Afterward, we will take a walking tour at "Guangzhou City living room" - Huacheng Square (花城广场).

In the evening, we will take a fascinating cruise along the Zhujiang (Pearl) River (珠江夜游) to enjoy the beautiful night view of Guangzhou.

Traffic: Coach
Hotel: Overnight in Guangzhou
Meals: Breakfast
  • Museum Of Nanyue King

  • Zhujiang River

Day 13Travel to Kaiping and visit the Watchtower Group of Zili Village.

In the morning, enjoy breakfast at the hotel. Afterward, we will travel to Kaiping and visit the Watchtower Group of Zili Village (自力村碉楼群). Zili Village is located in Tangkou Town and is known for its vast flower fields and sacred buildings set amidst the rapeseed. The village, whose name means "self-sufficiency," boasts beautiful scenery and many unique, beautiful buildings constructed in a simple style. It's worth mentioning that this is the primary location for "Bullet Flying," which holds the record for the highest domestic movie box office sales. After leaving Zili Village, we will head to Chikan Town (赤坎古镇), which is home to the largest, most continuous, and well-preserved ancient arcade architectural complex in the country's overseas Chinese hometowns.

Traffic: Coach
Hotel: Overnight in Kaiping
Meals: Breakfast
  • Watchtower Group Of Zili Village

  • Chikan Town

Day 14Travel to Foshan to visit Qinghui Garden, Fengjian Water Town, and Foshan Ancestral Temple.

In the morning, we will depart from the hotel and transfer to today's destination, Foshan, with about 1.5 hours of driving. Upon arrival, we will visit Qinghui Garden (清晖园), which is considered one of Guangdong's four famous gardens. The park is exquisitely designed, connected by water, and features beautiful brick carvings and stained glass in the classic Lingnan style. We will then visit Fengjian Water Town (逢简水乡), also known as the “Zhouzhuang of Guangdong,” a location where many TVB dramas are filmed. Here, we'll find the Stone Bridge of the Song Dynasty, the ancient temple of the Ming Dynasty, and the wooden archway of the Jinshi Square in the Qing Dynasty, all of which illustrate the flourishing and profound history of the past.

In the afternoon, we'll travel to the Foshan Ancestral Temple (祖庙), which includes ancient temple complexes like the Confucius Temple, Huang Feihong Memorial Hall, and the Yewen Pavilion. In addition to the traditional Lingnan buildings, we can also enjoy lion dance performances (醒狮表演). After that, we'll take a walk in Lingnan Xintandi (岭南天地), located in the center of Donghuali, Zumiao, Chancheng District, Foshan City.

Traffic: Coach
Hotel: Overnight in Foshan
Meals: Breakfast
  • Qinghui Garden

  • Lion Dance Performance

Day 15Take a train to Chaozhou to visit the Memorial Temple of Hanyu, and stroll around Guangji Bridge and Archway Street.

Take a morning train to Chaozhou. Your journey will begin at the Memorial Temple of Hanyu(韩文公祠), which was built to honor Han Yu, a writer and thinker from the Tang Dynasty. The temple showcases the history of the Han Temple, Han Yu's achievements in controlling tides, and his poems praising the Han Temple. After visiting the Shilang Pavilion for a view of the beautiful Chaozhou scenery, we will stroll around Guangji Bridge(广济桥), also known as Xiangzi Bridge, which was built in the seventh year of Songgandao (AD 1171) and is one of China's Four Ancient Bridges, along with Zhaozhou Bridge, Luoyang Bridge, and Lugou Bridge. The bridge deck has an antique feel and stretches over the Han River, providing a grand view. Next, we will enjoy some leisure time at Archway Street(牌坊街), where there are many arcade buildings, 22 arches, and delicious Chaozhou hand-made beef balls, taro cakes, and more.

Traffic: Coach + Train
Hotel: Overnight in Chaoshan
Meals: Breakfast
  • Memorial Temple Of Hanyu

  • Archway Street

Day 16Drive to Shantou to visit Shantou Small Park, Zhenbang Road Food Street, and Chaoshan Museum.

Today, we will pick you up from the hotel lobby and transfer you to the first site, Shantou Small Park (汕头小公园). The arcades and streets in the small park area imitate the style of Parisian blocks and are distributed radially in a fan shape. It is the commercial and cultural center of the old city of Shantou, serving as the core landmark and cultural symbol of the old city. Next, we will visit Zhenbang Road Food Street (镇邦路美食街) to enjoy the delicious local cuisine. The final destination today is the Chaoshan Museum (潮汕博物馆). The museum's collection categories include inlaid porcelain, wood carvings, stone carvings, colored paintings, and various representative historical witnesses related to the production, life, important figures, and major events of Chaoshan overseas Chinese in different historical periods.

Traffic: Coach
Hotel: Overnight in Shantou
Meals: Breakfast
  • Shantou Small Park

  • Zhenbang Road Food Street

Day 17Drive to Meizhou to visit Hakka Museum, Pankeng Scenic Area, and Songkou Ancient Town.

After breakfast today, we will drive to Meizhou. Our first stop will be the China Hakka Museum (客家博物馆), which is the first museum in China to showcase the cultural origins and development of the Hakka ethnic group. Following that, we will explore the Pankeng Scenic Area (泮坑风景区), known as "the scenic spot of Meinan". This area features two big mountains facing each other across the bank, with magnificent flowing water, elegant green lakes, magnificent mountain flowers, and emerald green trees. In the long afternoon, the scenery is as beautiful as ever. Our journey will end at Songkou Ancient Town (松口古镇), which is not only a thousand-year-old town but also a place where Hakka people live. Songkou's historical sites and natural landscapes are unique, and many ancient residential buildings have been preserved in various places.

Traffic: Coach
Hotel: Overnight in Meizhou
Meals: Breakfast
  • Pankeng Scenic Area

  • Songkou Ancient Town

Day 18Drive to Dabu to visit the Tai'an Building, Baihou Ancient Town, and Dabu Old Street, transfer to Meizhou, and take the bullet train back to Guangzhou.

We'll head to Dabu and visit the Tai'an Building (泰安楼) in the morning. It is a rare stone building in China and is a provincial cultural relic protection unit. The government has built a large-scale protection park for the Tai'an Building, which is divided into two parts: land and water. The park includes six functional areas: center, culture, lakeshore, stream, drum tower, and archway. It also features 38 landscapes that exhibit the characteristics of "Four Townships" and "Four Names" of Dapu in one garden. 

After visiting the Tai'an Building, we'll proceed to Baihou Ancient Town (百侯古镇), which is divided into five themed areas: "Impression of Baihou," "Family of Farming and Reading," "Charm of Ancient Alley," "Old Dream of Market Market," and "Family of Houbei." This town showcases profound historical and cultural heritage and well-preserved ancient buildings in the style of official halls. With a series of local cultural exposition halls and beautiful natural ecological resources, it depicts the endless life picture of the thousand-year-old Hakka town with a prosperous literary style.

Following the visit to Baihou Ancient Town, we'll enjoy a walking tour at Dabu Old Street (大埔老街), where over 200 varieties of Hakka local snacks can be found. 

In the late afternoon, we will transfer to Meizhou and take the bullet train back to Guangzhou. 

Traffic: Coach + Train
Hotel: Overnight in Guangzhou
Meals: Breakfast
  • Tai'an Building

  • Baihou Ancient Town

Day 19Guangzhou Free Day

Today you will have a whole day to explore this city on your own.

Hotel: Overnight in Guangzhou
Meals: Breakfast

Day 20Depart from Guangzhou

After breakfast, you will be transferred to the airport, and back to your sweet home. Wish you a pleasant journey home.

Hotel: No Accommodation
Meals: Breakfast

Dates & availability

Prices may change, so secure your trip today!

Departing Finishing Booked Single Room Total USD Book


  • Private transportation through out the itinerary. SRT will arrange for all travelers to be met on arrival and seen off on departure based on your flight info.

  • Shared accommodations in well located, tourist to superior class hotels include breakfast, service charge and government tax.

  • All entrance fees(shuttle bus) sightseeing; excursions and activities as per the itinerary

  • Domestic flights and 2nd class express train listed in the itinerary

  • Private friendly and professional English-Speaking guides (French, Italy, Russian, German can be arranged per your request)

  • Visa support letter for you to apply Chinese visa easily.

  • Travel and health insurance when travel with us.

  • 8, A 24/7 helpline while you are traveling.


  • International and domestic flights not indicated.

  • Food, Lunch or dinner not specified

  • Tips or gratuities for guides and drivers

  • Personal expenses and the other tours or activities not mentioned


  • We will upgrade trains to 1st class where available if book the tour 5 months in advance of departure.

  • There is no problem to travel Silk Road during Ramadan.

  • Complimentary 2 bottles of water each person on daily use.


We will use business MPV to luxurious coaches and trains.


All the hotels we selected are 4-5star well-located in the city center with good and proper breakfast for our clients.


Our guides are very friendly, knowledgeable, helpful. And our group tours will be escorted from SRT.

Climate and Altitude

Generally speaking Mid March—End Oct are the best time to visit Silk Road. And we strongly suggest you come in May, June, October to avoid the heat and crowd. No need to worry about high altitude along the Silk Road. We will prepare Oxygen bags if the package includes Xiahe, Qinghai Lake and Taxkorgan County.

We offer beneficial Cancellation Policy to our customers.