Zhangjiajie Grand Canyon

图片1.pngZhangjiajie Grand Canyon

Zhangjiajie Grand Canyon, located in Sanguansi Township, Cili County, Zhangjiajie City, is adjacent to the World Natural Heritage Wulingyuan Scenic Spot. It integrates beautiful peaks, secluded valleys, mysterious caves in mountain rocks, gorges, springs, and lakes, earning the reputation of being a "museum of Zhangjiajie landforms". The magnificent cliffs and precipices, the poetic and dreamlike canyon scenery, the world-renowned pedestrian glass bridge, the rich and diverse cultural history, and the thrilling extreme experiences, all await you at Zhangjiajie Grand Canyon!

Best Programs You Deserve to Experience

Zhangjiajie Glass Bridge /Yuntian Du (云天渡)

图片2.pngZhangjiajie Glass Bridge

In the hearts of literati and poets, bridges are synonymous with romance, but the Glass Bridge of Zhangjiajie Grand Canyon is not just a tourist attraction; it is an unprecedented world-class engineering feat. With cutting-edge design concepts and innovative construction techniques, it has garnered global attention since its inception. Standing as the tallest, longest, and with the largest span-to-width ratio in the world, this glass bridge truly represents a remarkable achievement in engineering.

The glass bridge, resembling a white ribbon, floats gracefully between the clouds and mountain ranges, creating a surreal scene. The feeling of standing on a transparent surface suspended hundreds of meters above the ground is truly exhilarating. The view from the bridge is stunning, as you can see the lush green of the surrounding mountains and the deep chasm below. As you walk across the bridge, you may feel a sense of adrenaline rush, but it's quickly replaced by a sense of awe and wonder. It's a unique sensation that is difficult to describe, but one that you'll never forget. It's also a chance to challenge yourself, appreciate the beauty of nature, and marvel at the wonders of modern engineering.


Bungee Jumping at Zhangjiajie Glass Bridge

Zhangjiajie Bungee Jumping offers a thrilling and exhilarating adventure experience for the daring and adventurous. Nestled in the Zhangjiajie National Forest Park, this bungee jumping site provides a wonderful backdrop of towering mountains, lush green forests, and splendid views. With a significant height of about 260 meters, it allows jumpers to experience the ultimate rush of free fall as they leap into the void. The sensation of weightlessness is unparalleled, giving jumpers a taste of true excitement and adventure.

图片3.pngBungee Jumping at Zhangjiajie Glass Bridge

Before taking the leap, jumpers are provided with all the necessary safety equipment and guidance to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience. The staff at the bungee jumping site are highly trained and experienced, ensuring that all safety measures are followed to the letter. Once the bungee cord is attached and the countdown begins, the feeling of anticipation and excitement builds up. When the moment arrives and the jumper leaps into the void, the sensation of flying through the air, with the world below seeming to spin around, is truly unforgettable.

After the initial free fall, the bungee cord gently brings the jumper back to safety, allowing them to take in the stunning views and reflect on the adventure they have just experienced. Zhangjiajie Bungee Jumping is an experience that will stay with you for a lifetime, and one that you will cherish and remember fondly.

Zip Lining Over Zhangjiajie Grand Canyon

图片4.pngZip Lining Over Zhangjiajie Grand Canyon

The zipline soars 302 meters above the canyon floor, boasting twelve reciprocating ziplines spanning 358 meters. It allows for a thrilling ride with up to six riders simultaneously, and each slide lasts approximately one minute. Take the plunge on the zipline, traverse the high altitude of the canyon, challenge your limits, and experience the sensation of soaring through the sky like an eagle!

Here, you can spread your arms wide and lose yourself in the gentle breeze. As you soar through the air, your body and mind merge seamlessly with the majestic mountain ranges, allowing you to enjoy a 360-degree immersive overlook of the picturesque canyon scenery. This experience offers a unique opportunity to truly connect with nature and appreciate its magnificence from a whole new perspective.

>>>Click here to learn more about how to travel to Zhangjiajie and its scenic attractions.

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